Saturday, 7 December 2013

Are you a professional worker with computers?

Hi friends,
These days I rarely find time to give a slot of my schedule for blogging. In the past three months i was able to write only thrice. But the response that I do get from various other bloggers(specially IndiBlogger) keeps my spirit always high to write new and think new.
I am back with another helping post.
Just like as usual, let me start with posing questions. :)
  • Are you a computer science student (like me?)
  • Are you a professional photographer who work on Design software ? (like this cool guy Joshi Daniel , my friend on IndiBlogger)
  • Are you a software engineer? or
  • Do you work more time on computers?
  • Do you often feel your eyes and body stressed?
  • Do you forget to get up now and then to stretch?
  • Do you ever feel like someone reminding you to relax? (some small mobile software that I created recently for windows phone users Take a break! )
I came up with a beautiful but simple solution.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Do you use dual operating systems ?

Hi friends,

Its been almost two months; blah blah the reasons... Now the question is Do you use two or more Operating systems ?

If YES, you might have already suffered restarting and booting to other operating system to access the files on the desktop of the other OS; or The sticky notes of the other OS; or In the worst case, if you have a sync-able applications like Evernote, which maintains a local database; You need to sync on the both sides of different operating systems.

I know its really really painful.

Now say GOOD BYE to these problems.

Let me give you some scenarios through which you could better understand.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

What to call this? Pity? Mercy? or Compassion?


Life is Life whether its for a human or for an animal or for an insect. ArcsofLife is exactly targeted at this. This morning, i was watching some videos on the YouTube and I came across a beautiful video that completely made me dumbfounded. The importance of LIFE, inspite of any circumstances, inspite of your enemies, inspite of food can never be completely described.
But before u read the rest, do watch this video completely.

Sorry for this wild video for those who are sensitive. There's no high clarity video available.

I thought that I could write a lot but I was unable to describe it in my words. I don't know what to write. To write about killing? or to write about saving? All that happened to me(us) is a silent charm that left a beautiful feeling in my(our) heart(s). A predator like this saving another animal! I would simply entitle it as another "Arc of Life". No words.

Thank You,
Have a great day :)

Medha Chaitanya- ArCsOfLiFe.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The chain reaction of LOVE. . .

Hi friends!

I'm back again with another self analyzing post :) this time, lets get into some very interesting topic because we basically feel some topics all time interested. I don't know what to call it, ahhh, a topic? or a feeling? or a gossip? or whatever... from the times during our schooling, college, higher education, employment  and life, this topic is with us all the time. Ya its LOVE.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Two Questions to test your decision skill . . .

Hello friends!

Directly to the point. Self-assessment and decision making. 

There's something which is always in our minds that automates certain decisions in to a positive opines. Here are are the BIG 
Two Questions that will prove the predestined decisions of our minds..


Read on...  There you go!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Never give a chance to regret for your data loss . . .

Hello friends!

I am writing this post with a huge pain. I never thought that I would be in a situation like this. No one will. Let me open up.
Since a long time, I have been working on a personal(computer) project.
Developing code;
Correcting errors;

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Performance Issues- Computers and Laptops

Hello friends!
I tried to minimize the conversational kind of writing unlike my previous posts.
Simple and Direct to the point.

Problem -> Solution

1.Are your programs responding too slow?
2.Is your windows boot time tooooooo big (5-15 minutes or even more sometimes)?
3.Is your computer hanging at random times?
4.Are you frustrated with frequent Not Responding dialog boxes?

Monday, 20 May 2013

The silly memories of the past . . .

Hi friends!

The clock ticked 8:00 AM. No school. No early morning wakeup. No bus horn. No mom shouting. Most of all No early breakfast. No worry.

That Sunday morning rounding on the whole bed as if we are the emperors; staying in the hugs of mom or a pillow; and from the other side, dad calling us to get up and therefore we resisting his calls for a 70% sleep.  

Thursday, 16 May 2013

The power with in you . . .


There's one big saying by many great people. They say it in one form or the other, but the actual content of the saying is same. What's are the big lines that are being referred to?

Friday, 19 April 2013

A blogo conversation . . .

Hi everybody!!!

A friend of mine asked me "hey dude! you maintain a blog. That's great; its named arcsofLIFE... can you clear me something?"
"yeah dude..." i said.
"tell me what's 'LIFE'?", he added,"tell me what do we do in a 'LIFEtime' ?"
i was pretty confused at that moment. But finally got to find an answer. 
I initially thought of saying him "look at the cover pic of my blog dude... you ll find the answer.!!!"
"soooooooooooo" he said
"okay then listen to this very small story " i started describing
Here it is . . .

Monday, 25 March 2013

Lets smile at the things that happen in our daily lives . . .

Hi friends!
Sometimes we think things are playing with us. Some other times we feel things are not just playing they are dumping us… Here are some of the cool and sometimes very frustrating things that happen in our daily lives… So there you go ! ! !
1.      When our favorite song comes on the radio as soon as we get out of the car. :)
2.      When we are waiting for a text and we get one from the wrong person. ;)
3.      When people try talking to us while we have ear phones in. B-/

Friday, 22 March 2013

A letter to my mom ! ! !

Dear mom,
It is with great regret and sorrow that I am writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with dad and you. I have been finding real passion with my girl. I am sorry mom I never said you about this girl. She is really beautiful, good and fair in complexion. We got to meet in a competition. I never knew that I’ll fall for her.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

The illusions ! ! !

Hi friends!!

Here are some cool optical illusions...  Experiment them and you gonna know something interesting...

looking like a QR-code !! :)
Try moving your head
close to, and then away from the screen. The 
fuzzy dots appear to move.

Cool.. uh? 
Let's move on with the next one. . .

You see it as a spiral ? ? ?

It is not a spiral, they are circles...

Don't believe me? Follow the spiral with your finger then you will know it. 

The tilt of the boxes fools our minds to be a spiral.

The gray dots !!!

Can you find out how many grayish dots appear in the adjoining picture ???

This is a visual vibration which means that when you see patterns of black and white, your eye sometimes confuses the two and blends them into patterns of gray that you see here.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Messed up with my . . .

hi friends!
Do you ever feel like “Oh shut!!! routine things… boring…!!” and compromise just because “ahhhh i gotta do this for i don’t have any other chance!”??? It’s an YES. Definitely at one point or the other.
Some times my friends say me “I’m missing the actual flavour of the life. I couldn’t enjoy like those guys (who were called as the backbencher’s)” and some say “my dad is too strict. he always wants to rule me out with his extra care and i couldn’t bear it.” and surprisingly some of the back benchers say “ i miss the knowledge and talent like him/her.”
Stop.Think a while about the previous paragraph and answer this question… Is that true??? yeah, may be true in the parental notion but its an absolute false. we know that its an absolute false and there is really no need of explaining this.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

A special day . . .

Hi friends!!!

The thought of "someone feeling us", "missing us", and "thinking of us" always feels good because of things that go around in the life and the relationship in which we are in dealt with the other person.
To some people this day is so special... very special that it makes pairs regain their first experiences like the first day of their meeting; the first chats; the first clash; and most importantly the first kiss ;)  the first meeting; and the first hug;

Saturday, 9 February 2013

One of the most powerful things our lives . . .

I am going write about a foolish thing that one of my friends did very recently. When i got to know the thing… I really felt like “Is this the guy who did this??? Really ? OMG!!! How could he!!!”. Okay what did he do? -a suicide ? yes a suicide…

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Yes it cannot be valued ! ! !

Dear readers,
Its been almost 10 days writing a post… i couldn’t write because of some big works. i wanna share a small story with you but before that  I would like to introduce to the actual thing. Some situations/circumstances in our lives make us feel too good. When I say good, i don’t mean happiness; I mean ‘satisfaction to the heart’. We come across situations; we do certain kind of verdicts that make us feel great comfortable and give us contentment. Here’s one such…
A farmer had some cute little dogs(puppies) that he wanted to sell. So, he painted a sign advertising the 4 puppies by nailing the board to the wall of his yard. By the time he was nailing the last one he felt a tug of a little boy round his legs. So, he looked down into the eyes of this little boy.
"Hello!!!" he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Years to build . . . Seconds to loose. . .

Life is unexpected. You are happy the other day, but you may not be happy today. Sometimes, we come to know the tremble and terrible arcs of life accidentally. Sometimes life itself introduces the worst part of it. Yes or no… accept or reject… we need to face it with courage.

Friday, 25 January 2013

You like HER !!!!! Yes I LOVE her. . .

HI friends!
I always used to keep writing the general things that happen in our lives so this post is not an exception. But this post is somewhat different than the other ones. I relate to a boy and a girl who were in a relationship. A relationship which can be “friendship” or some kind of deep affection or what people say “LOVE”. I can hear your echo “Hey you! Stop. Stop this nonsense and start writing the original post!!!” okay okay. Before starting, let me introduce you to what it's all about in a single line.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

How fast is your memory ? ? ?

As an engineering student i got used to measure things and in that process i came across a wonderful question “How much RAM does our brain(CPU) have ?” The question might be crazy for a first read. Well, let me explain. Down here are some set of questions you need to think…

Saturday, 19 January 2013

New Laptop? ? ?

Hi friends!!! First of all Congrats for your new laptop.
So you got your new laptop (or) a new battery for your old laptop… Now what? Want to make it last longer?
Things you should consider for a better battery life and performance
  1. Do not let a Li-ion battery completely discharge…Doing so strains and weakens it. So don’t do that. How do i know if my battery is Li-ion?? Sol.Most laptops today have a Li-ion battery. If you still have a doubt check your battery label.
  2. Heating issue: Make sure the battery doesn’t get heated up. Heating degrades the battery performance.
  3. Calibrate the battery using your laptop-manufacturer tools. (if HP- use HP support assistant, HP battery check)
  4. Cut down external power consuming devices.
  5. Lower the graphics use. Graphics cards (video cards) use as much or more power today as hard disks. If your laptop has a switchable graphics card, switch on the graphics process on only when you really need it.
  6. Use sleep and hibernate effectively.
  7. Dim your screen - Screen itself consumes a lot of juice.
  8. Shut off unneeded hardware such as wi-fi and bluetooth.
  9. Reduce the CPU load. Follow the instructions for reducing the CPU load @ Laptop? ? ?
Good day :)
Urs, Medha.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Pongal Holidays ! ! !

Hi friends!
I have been to my grandparents’ home for these PONGAL holidays. I took my girlfriend (my laptop :) ) along with me. You would clearly understand how super it feels to read this post if you’ve already read this post.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Its been more than . . .

Yea, it’s been a month I started blogging. Initially, I thought that blogging is fun and easy. Yes, blogging is easy provided we have ‘ideas’ and ‘content’ to share. It's just been a month so, I do have some more ideas still to write about. But what if the ideas dry up ??? This was the question that hit my mind very recently.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

The feeling of ‘Missing’ ! ! !

HI friends!
Imagine you were a newly married couple and only you got to leave to some place for a week away from your partner… “How would you feel?”
Simply,  your lover is going out of station and vice versa “how would you feel?”
Imagine- you need to leave your 1 year old kid for a month due to some office work…“How vast that feeling is?”

Monday, 7 January 2013

Own to be owned…

Hi friends,
The irony in this world is that “To get somewhere, you already have to be there.” What’s this ? ? ? well let me explain…
  • If you want to make money, you need to already have money.

  • To get a job, you need to be one-year experienced and not a fresher.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Life's so Important . . .

Sitting beside the window seat of the bus on my way to home with the laptop in my lap;  I was thinking of “What are the things that we treasure the most ? ? ?”
Well, my answer is not direct and defined… In fact, we value many things… and the treasures that I found so important are…
