Saturday, 26 January 2013

Years to build . . . Seconds to loose. . .

Life is unexpected. You are happy the other day, but you may not be happy today. Sometimes, we come to know the tremble and terrible arcs of life accidentally. Sometimes life itself introduces the worst part of it. Yes or no… accept or reject… we need to face it with courage.

Of all the situations of life, one thing that is most hurting is the “the lose of trust” on a person. Trust has many faces, many names. It varies by situations. It depends on relationships and people. A trust can be a relationship between a father and a son; between a guy and a girl; between the partners of some business; between a company and a customer; between/among a group of friends. What ever may be the situation the LOSE OF TRUST creates an unbearable pain in the victims heart.
In any relationship the essence of trust is not in bind, but in bond.
Losing trust on a person whom you love is not easy. Its really not easy to make a guy lose trust on his girl or vice versa. One doesn’t suspect his/her partner just because someone commented or just because someone said some blah-blah. Losing trust happens only when the person gets to know it in the real hand. What ever may be the situation, when you loose trust you will get hurt. The golden principle to recover from any ailment of our hearts is simple. Believe in you. Love yourself more and never forget “TIME HEALS EVERYTHING”
Dedicated to all my readers.The way you think in difficult situations decides your next life(future). The pain that you experienced must ignite the spark for your future and not ruin your life. Wishing you all the best.
Good day.


  1. It seems you are a experience guy in some situations....right???

    1. Nothing so... just a casual write... I m just 20, Haven't experienced such situations so far.
