Tuesday, 22 January 2013

How fast is your memory ? ? ?

As an engineering student i got used to measure things and in that process i came across a wonderful question “How much RAM does our brain(CPU) have ?” The question might be crazy for a first read. Well, let me explain. Down here are some set of questions you need to think…
Read the point, think for a while and proceed with the next one… there you go 1 2 3 start!!!

1. The day you fell down with minor / major injuries.
2. Eating an ice-cream on a hot day.
3. Skipping school for a day.

4. The best gift you received so far.
5. A casual hangout with friends.
6. Seeing your guys/girl's name on your mobile when it rings.
7. Your first kiss (if any special so far happened ;)
8. Late night phone calls ;)
9. Looking back on the laughs.
10. Giving and Receiving presents.
11. Nice smelling perfume/cologne/deodorant.
12. Watching the sun coming up.
13. Finding 5$ or x-Rupee note on the ground.
14. Laughing until it makes you cry.
15. Being home alone.
16. Turning on the radio as loud as possible to hear your favourite song.
17. Listening to the rain.
18. Bathroom singing.
19. Falling in love.
20. More more and many more…
Did you notice that something flashed into your minds so fast, so immediate and so spontaneous after completing each point that I mentioned above? ? ? Also you might have noticed the original 3D experience and playback of the respective circumstances right in front of your eyes at the same moment of reading. So now again “How much RAM does our mind (CPU) have ?” It makes sense. Right?
Friends if you responded to the above points; if your mind flashed and jumped back to the originality of those respective circumstances you are really good. You don’t need to feel like “I don’t study well”, “I can't do well”, “he does much better than me” and all the stuff !!!. We are humans. We are given the same amount of power and mind like every other person. I do accept that there are some exceptional cases but they come under medical issues and I referred to a casual being. We are all the same. Let’s rockkkkkk.
Good day :)
Urs, Medha.