Monday, 7 January 2013

Own to be owned…

Hi friends,
The irony in this world is that “To get somewhere, you already have to be there.” What’s this ? ? ? well let me explain…
  • If you want to make money, you need to already have money.

  • To get a job, you need to be one-year experienced and not a fresher.

  • If you’re experienced and want to apply for a job that you really want to work on, you should already have the background of working in that area, and you should already know how to do all that the job entails.

  • This is my personal experience; If you want to write a book, publisher expects you to have already written a book before.

  • To be listened to, you need to be an expert, not an amateur, but how do you eventually become an expert if you’re never listened to?

These set of confusing questions… just like the post @How do you feel ! ! !
Good day :)
Urs, Medha.

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