Monday, 25 March 2013

Lets smile at the things that happen in our daily lives . . .

Hi friends!
Sometimes we think things are playing with us. Some other times we feel things are not just playing they are dumping us… Here are some of the cool and sometimes very frustrating things that happen in our daily lives… So there you go ! ! !
1.      When our favorite song comes on the radio as soon as we get out of the car. :)
2.      When we are waiting for a text and we get one from the wrong person. ;)
3.      When people try talking to us while we have ear phones in. B-/
4.      When our brain reminds me of something that we want to forget. :(
5.      Waiting a whole week for the next episode of your favorite show…
6.      A recently seen film being telecast-ed on the TV set as a festival bonanza.
7.      Getting struck at the last of a game being played… :(
8.      Slow traffic lights… :-3
9.      Stepping in to chewing gum… :-/
10. Lock the door forgetting the key inside the car :(
11. Flies disturbing and irritating your sound sleep…
12. Waiting for a bus in the stop. You find many buses except the one that you are expecting...
13. . . . . . . .
14. . . . . . .
The interesting thing is that we can do nothing with them.. i mean we cant change most of them… What all we can do is smile at things like that happen in our routine life. I guess you are smiling J
Good day :)

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