Thursday 24 October 2013

Do you use dual operating systems ?

Hi friends,

Its been almost two months; blah blah the reasons... Now the question is Do you use two or more Operating systems ?

If YES, you might have already suffered restarting and booting to other operating system to access the files on the desktop of the other OS; or The sticky notes of the other OS; or In the worst case, if you have a sync-able applications like Evernote, which maintains a local database; You need to sync on the both sides of different operating systems.

I know its really really painful.

Now say GOOD BYE to these problems.

Let me give you some scenarios through which you could better understand.

Now think of these situations:

  • How awesome it would be, if I delete/rename/modify/create an item in Windows 7(this case) automatically reflects a change in Windows XP/8 too? (Eg. Creation of a folder on win7 desktop automatically creates the same folder/file on win xp/8 desktop too. The same happens with rename,delete,modify . . .)
  • How awesome if some application on both the OS's shares the same database ? For eg. I have evernote installed on both of my operating systems and how nice it would be if i sync on only a single OS which automatically syncs the database on the other OS? I hope I'm clear.
  • How wonderful if the changes on one side reflects the other side? 
  • You have a pen drive and some folder on the hard drive. Any change(deletion,creation,modification) in the pen drive data automatically changes the folder data. Or vice-versa. How cool it would be in some situations?
Enough of examples because those who have experienced this might have already understood the situations. And to those who do not use dual operating systems. This is not for YOU. Sorry if I bored you.
The solution is here.

Download this cool tool SyncToy made by Microsoft for people like us.

This is a very simple tool which hardly needs explanation. Its easy. Just try it out. And if you find any difficulty, feel free to comment.
The process is simple.
You just select the 1. Left folder then 2. Right folder and the 3. type of sync. Boom! You are done. Its that simple.
Here are some basic piece of software to be in sync with dual Os'es.

To sync the sticky notes on both the OS's

  1. Find the address of the sticky notes database on both sides. 
  2. Assign one to Left(C:\Users\Medha\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes);
  3. Assign the other to Right.(E:\Users\Medha\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes); where E is the other OS drive letter.
  4.  Select the mode as "synchronize".
  5. Done.

To sync the evernote database on both the OS's
  1. Find the address of the Evernote database on both sides. 
  2. Assign one to Left(C:\Users\Medha\AppData\Local\Evernote);
  3. Assign the other to Right.(E:\Users\Medha\AppData\Local\Evernote); where E is the other OS drive letter.
  4. Select the mode as "synchronize".
  5. Done.
  • If accessing the files and folders of the other OS drive is slow, Wait; Let it load. If it asks for a permission to access, proceed and permit it.
  • In either of the cases, if you were unable to find the Appdata folder, make the hidden folders visible.

Now you can find the Appdata folder. Proceed with the steps above.
I hope this would save you from reboots to other OS when you are in need of your frequent files n folders located on the other partition of another OS.
Good day :)

Medha Chaitanya- ArcSoFLiFe.

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