Thursday, 14 February 2013

A special day . . .

Hi friends!!!

The thought of "someone feeling us", "missing us", and "thinking of us" always feels good because of things that go around in the life and the relationship in which we are in dealt with the other person.
To some people this day is so special... very special that it makes pairs regain their first experiences like the first day of their meeting; the first chats; the first clash; and most importantly the first kiss ;)  the first meeting; and the first hug;
To some these might have happened just in a single chance :P (at a single bumper attempt) but to some at different, different points and in variable situations...
Expectations from each other...
Gifts to one another...
Some romantic thoughts occupy the mind "hey!!! What kind of surprise he/she is going to give me?"
"Does she gives me a kiss again?" "Does he/she likes my gift?" "Where will he take me?" :should I propose her/him today?"
We love these thoughts because they feel good... because they take us away to some happy moods...

There need not be any of the circumstances that I mentioned above but there are some pairs who still feel great and happy....
They are no exception...

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my readers... (A valentine can be of any age) :)
Some support valentine's day and some doesn't. But let’s look at the Valentine’s Day as the day of recollection of happy thoughts...

So what are you going to gift your girl/boy?
Good day :)


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