Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Things that we never notice . . .

I used to listen to Dr.Wayne Dyer’s audio tracks on my journey to the college everyday during the first days of my college life.
Today i would like to share some of the wonderful things that I felt we never notice;
  1. Look inside. Don’t look outside which is not there in you.
  2. Manage your energy.
  3. Be your own commander.
  4. Become aware of the power of your birth.
  5. It all depends on how you think.
  6. You never die because of a snake bite, its the venom that kills you. The thing is don’t bound yourself to your past worries. Free yourself from past venoms and live life.
  7. Who you are is your LIFE.
I guess i wrote all most all the key concepts in all the tracks of the audio book. :)
Be serious about yourself. Think and act positive. Be superb.
Good day :) You guys rock. Urs, Medha.

1 comment:

  1. it must be 10 commendments... any how the whole world will be depends on only two things..1.Love.2.HATE... none other... please be love, kind, polite, honest etc.,
